About the Ladies

26, Seattle, WA
KT spent a lot of her younger years in the hospital, and videogames were the best thing around to save her from her boredom.  Not only did they give her something to destroy the monotony, but they gave her a chance to escape and explore new worlds.
KT is primarily a PS3 gamer, with a little bit of everything else sprinkled on top, playing most things ranging from mega epic 3rd person space shooters, to magical adventures that have no end in sight.  She works with Amanda, staring at rooftops all day.  When she's not gaming, she's hanging out with her boyfriend, getting tattoos of dinosaurs, or figuring out how to make costumes for comic and gaming conventions.

24, Manila Philippines
Amanda's love for videogames always goes back to Zelda, starting with the NES release, and deepening to a full on obsession when Ocarina of Time was released. She prefers the feel of a console, and only ventures into the realms of PC gaming for a particularly good MMO, or when she's got a hankering for an RTS killing spree.

She has a degree in Videogame Art and Design, majoring in Character Art. However she has yet to use this degree, and instead works for a company that does something with roofs. She's recently taken to pretending shes a programmer, and writes Frankenstein code for a living.

   Katey grew up playing on a PC in the DOS days (thanks to her dad), and her first actual console was the Playstation 1. Though she has owned nearly every current-generation console since then, PC gaming has always been her first love. 
   She has a degree in graphic design and is currently working towards a second in computer science. She hopes to combine the two and work in video games.
   Besides gaming, Katey has a big passion for movies and television, though she really likes all forms of modern media. She lives with her boyfriend and cat in Reno, and plans on leaving Nevada to finish school in the pacific northwest (her true home), or to Los Angeles.

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